Kevin Tole

Portfolio: Fagus silvatica

A Year in the Life of an Artist and a Tree. (click image to open full)

No 2.

Mounted Wrapped and Backed

Charcoal and Pastel
59cm x 84cm


No. 5.

22/9/15; Overcast with heavy showers every 20 minutes or so; working under the parasol; paper getting increasingly wet and the pastel working like paint;
Mounted and Wrapped

Charcoal and Pastel
59cm x 84cm

Can be seen at Artmill Gallery

No. 6.

28/9/15; Windy but bright sunny day; the structure is more apparent.
Mounted and Wrapped

Charcoasl and Pastel
59cm x 84cm


Beeches at Maristow

4/10/15. I broke my ankle this day.
Mounted and Wrapped

Charcoal on Paper
59.4cm x 89.1cm


No. 7

4/10/15; Threatening rain but holding off; I ran out of white conte and resorted to the red chalk to build mid ground and highlights.
Mounted and Wrapped

Charcoal and pastel on paper
59.4cm x 89.1cm


No. 9

20/10/15. A beautiful crisp autumn day. Broken ankle. Most of the foliage from the top has gone. I wanted to get the sun into the drawing.
Mounted and Wrapped

Charcoal and Pastel on paper
59cm x 84cm


No. 11

Mounted and Wrapped

Charcoal, and pastel on Paper with some thin acrylic
59cm x 84cm

Can be seen at Artmill Gallery

No. 12

A very wet week. A composite drawing from the last set of photographs.
Mounted Wrapped and Backed

Charcoal and Pastel on paper
59cm x 84cm


No. 15

23/11/15; A portrait format rather than the landscape. All the leaves long gone.
Mounted Wrapped and Backed

Charcoal and Pastel on paper
84cm x 59cm


No 16

12/12/15; A reworking of an earlier drawing with late summer foliage.
Mounted Wrapped and Backed

Charcoal and Pastel on paper
59.4cm x 89.1cm

Can be seen at Artmill Gallery

No. 18

1/1/16; I wanted to record an ‘as accurate’ a record - so if you like ‘photographic’ record of the tree again and this would form a good counterpoint to Drawing 17 as well as a direct comparison to Drawing 13 and all the previous drawings which show the tree in foliage.

Charcoal and white conte on paper
59cm x 84cm

£800.00 Framed

No. 19

11/1/16; The first trip out fully equipped in this New Year.
Mounted and Wrapped

Charcoal and white conte on paper
59cm x 84cm


No. 21 The Tree that's not the Tree from the Tree

Drawn on 19/2/16. To contextualise the tree.

Exhibited Jerwood Drawing Open 2016

Charcoal, carbon and white conte on paper
59cm x 84cm


Roots, Moss, Twigs and Leaves.

19/2/16. A study from the tree trunk looking down. Sketch for larger perhaps

Charcoal, conte and Pastel on paper
25cm x 25cm


Grass and Leaves

19/2/16. Another small study looking at the grass in the field between the Beech tree and the path.

Beech Charcoal, Carbon pencil and white Conte
25cm x 25cm


No. 27

1/4/16. A further contextual study 100% enlargement again.
Mounted Wrapped and Backed

Beech Charcoal, white charcoal, carbon stick and conte
59cm x 84cm


No. 24

10/3/16. A different and more direct approach from the field.
Mounted and Wrapped

Home made Beech Charcoal, compressed charcoal and white Conte
59cm x 84cm


No. 28

4/4/16. A contextual study looking up this time.
Mounted, Wrapped and Backed

Beech Charcoal, Compressed Charcoal, Black & White Conte, White Charcoal
59cm x 84cm

Can be seen at Artmill Gallery

Danescombe Oak, Quercus robur #29

10/4/16. Danescombe Valley Beech. Not at The Tree but very much in the sequence and included.

Beech Charcoal, Compressed Charcoal, White Conte, White Charcoal
59cm x 84cm

£500.00 Framed

No. 30

12/4/16. A line drawing to show relations
Mounted and Wrapped

Charcoal on Paper
59cm x 84cm


No. 32

2/5/16. Done in squally hail and rain showers. Ash in front of Beech and oak
Shown Arborealists Fyne Court 2019

Beech Charcol, compressed charcoal, white and black conte
84cm x 59cm

£720.00 Framed

No 34

12/5/16. The tree back in full foliage.
Mounted and Wrapped

Charcoal, pastel and watercolour
59cm x 84cm


No 35.

26/5/16. This time viewed from the south side
Mounted and Wrapped

Charcoal, Pastel and watercolour
59cm x 84cm


Beech in Summer No. 38

5/7/16. Upper section of the tree in summer through a gap from the left.

Beech and white charcoal, black and white conte
102cm x 78cm

£720.00 Framed

No. 39

16/7/16. Looking up, over and down with distortion
Mounted and Wrapped

Beech charcoal, compressed charcoal, carbon, graphite, white charcoal, white con
59cm x 84cm


No. 40

22/7/16. Again looking up and out under the canopy of the beech
Shown Arborealists Fyne Court 2019

Beech and white charcoal, Black and White Conteh, grey pastel
59cm x 84cm

£720.00 Framed

No. 41

29/7/16. Finally. A place to see the tree in full July foliage

Beech charcoal, grey pastel, white charcoal, white and black conte
59cm x 84cm


No. 42

3/8/16. Pretty much finished in the field.
Mounted and Wrapped

Beech charcoal, white charcoal, conte and grey pastel
59cm x 84cm

Can be seen at Artmill Gallery

The Wall No. 43

9/8/16. Wall to the top side of Upper Field

Various black charcoal, white charcoal, grey pastels and conte
59cm x 84cm

£720.00 Framed

No. 44

12/8/16. From the Lower Field close to the oak. Dark on a light day.

Beech Charcoal, compressed charcoal, grey paster, white charcoal and white conte
59cm x 84cm


No. 46

1/9/16. The last one in the year and back to the original view.
Mounted and wrapped

Beech charcoal, grey pastel, White charcoal, white conte
59cm x 84cm


Beech Tree

Soft Ground Etching and Aquatint my first ever taken to full edition printing.
£60 unframed

Limited Edition
18.5cm x 24cm
Edition of 20

£90.00 Framed


Started life as a large trunk bark frottage and developed

Various charcoals, carbons, pastels, earth and acrylic on paper
150cm x 150cm

Fagus silvatica Field

A 180 degree view of the Beech Tree field with the leat on left and right sides. An extended drawing of 'The Tree thats not the Tree from the Tree'

Beech Charcoal, various compressed charcoals, white, charcoal, white conte
150cm x 575cm

No. 10

24/10/15; It was asking for some colour so found a stick of orange and the remains of some Van Dyke brown and used that.
Mounted and Wrapped

Charcoal and Pastel on paper
59cm x 84cm

No. 25

17/3/16. Drawing from the south side
Mounted and Wrapped

Charcoal, white conte and orange pastel
59cm x 84cm

No. 4.

15/9/15; overcast and threatening rain; started late – worked from 2 till 6:30.
Mounted and Wrapped

Charcoal and Pastel
59cm x 84cm